

Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday.  Your child's assignments will be written in his/her assignment book each day.  The Homework Book is to come back to school each day. Answers to assignments can also be written in this book. All homework is due the next day unless otherwise noted.   (Parents: Please initial the homework  assignment book each night upon completion of the daily assignment.  Thank You!)

The assignments will vary in type...(worksheets, +writing  poems or stories, reading, playing a math game,* projects) and will increase as the students become more knowledgeable. Each and every  homework assignment is discussed with the students prior to them bringing it home. However, if there are questions about an assignment, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Students who are absent are expected to complete any missed homework upon their return to school.

Students will be faced with homework for the rest of their school careers.  Let's help your child get in the habit of completing each assignment on time and to the best of their ability.

In addition to the Homework sent home daily, students should be reading 10-15 minutes a day or more.

Additional info to note:

*Homework "Projects" are usually graded.  (Rubrics will be sent home for major projects)

+When a writing assignment comes home, please have your child write at least 6-10 sentences (or more) to the given topic.  Thank you!

++Homework assignments may be counted as a quiz grade.  Please put forth your best effort each night.

****WRITER'S WORKSHOP-please send in a couple of photographs of your child in action (riding a bike, playing in the snow, enjoying an amusement ride, picking a pumpkin, flying a kite, etc.) for a writing project we are starting in October.  Please send in the photos by October 1. They will be returned after we are done writing our "Action" stories.  Thank you!



"Turkeyville" Community Workers Project is due November 3rd-Instructions and a rubric will come home in your child's folder soon as well as a reminder email.  This project compliments current our Social Studies Unit. Have fun!





Some students will be  breaking from Storytown HW for the month of March so we can read a story named Ready, Set, Snow. Other students will continue with Storytown or other stories provided by the teacher.

This assignment (2 chapters a week with vocabulary and comprehension questions) will be considered a vocabulary and reading quiz grade.  Encourage your child to do their best work.  If your child is having trouble reading the text, it can be read to them.  Reading, but mostly understanding the characters and plot, are the goal for this assignment over the next few weeks.

*Remember to encourage your child to do their best work since these are graded worksheets (each question=2 points).

*A note will be put in your child's folder if they are missing any of the 4 graded assignments. with replacement worksheets.  Please make sure your child makes up these worksheets  to avoid a zeros in the gradebook.   Thank you!