The Online Learner

The Profile of the Typical Online Learner

Characteristics of Online Learners

The characteristics of online learners can be grouped into these seven areas. Understanding them will help the instructor to use techniques and create learning activities that will allow students to develop and grow in these characteristics.

Access and Skills







Source: Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2003). The Virtual Student. a Profile and Guide to Working with OnlineLearners. the Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Profile of the Online Learner

This video from Tuskegee University presents demographics and addresses the diversity of the online student population. It notes how the adult student has different modes of learning and may call for the instructor to adjust pedagogy accordingly.

The Top 5 Traits of an Effective Online Learner

In this video Dr. Bernard Bull of Concordia University talks about essential traits of successful online learners.

This article University of Illinois, Springfield's eLearning program covers in greater detail the qualities that allow a student to navigate and participate well in the virtual classroom.

The infographic below by Kirstie Greany provides tremendous insight into the students populating today's classrooms. Use the link for an article providing more detail on the statistics presented.