Assessing with Collaborative Activities

Promoting Collaborative Learning

We believe that a cyclical relationship exists in online classes wherein collaborative activity supports the creation of community, and the presence of community supports the ability for collaborative activity to occur successfully. --Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2007). Building Online Learning Communities: Effective Strategies for the Virtual Classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Activities and Tools for Students Working Collaboratively.pdf

Activities for Students Working Collaboratively

A PDF document outlining the various ways students can work with each other.

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy (2008) was developed by Andrew Churches as an extension of the original Bloom’s Taxonomy and creates a hierarchy of learning activities in a digital environment. It provides the opportunity for a number of different learning activities for students, using a variety of digital tools.


Integrated Course Design

A PDF report from the University of Oklahoma discusses how to create course material to ensure students have significant learning experiences.

This article at the website of the National Educators Association looks at how to create effective standards for measuring student learning.


Tools for Formative Assessment

This PDF document features 60 formative assessment tools compiled by K Lambert, OCPS Curriculum Services, 4/2012

This article from Indiana University compares authentic assessments with typical tests and how such assessments are vital in students developing real world skills. The article also notes the difficulty in grading authentic assessments and why rubrics can help instructors with this task.

This webpage from Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering features text and video covering all aspects of student assessment. It includes the definition of assessment, the types of assessment, how to build an assessment strategy, authentic assessments, and whether or not to use rubrics.

This article from the Cult of Pedagogy website discusses the different types of rubrics, how they compare, and how to create one using a template provided.

From The Virtual Student

This chart shows how to choose the right assessment to match a course's learning objective. --Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2003). The Virtual Student. a Profile and Guide to Working with OnlineLearners. the Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Authentic Assessment Strategies

This video from the University of Buffalo discusses how to use authentic assessment specifically in online courses.