Locker Room

The Locker room facility is equipped with a shower (3 heads), toilet area, hand washing station, drinking fountains, and 159 lockers.

The locker rooms are to be used on an as-needed basis. Students will not be assigned a locker as there is no mandatory dress down policy this school year. If a student has a need to use the locker room it will be arranged with the teacher.

A couple things to think about:

  • Often items are left behind in PE. These items will be placed in the lost and found either in the locker room or in the hallway. Chief Middle School will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or misplaced items.

  • While deodorant use is encouraged, spray or aerosol spray deodorants are not to be used. Sticks and roll-ons are encouraged. Confined space and limited air movement results in some having issues with asthma or allergies.