Mentor - Mentee

Who is a Mentor?

A mentor is a person who can support, advise and guide you. They typically take the time to get to know you and the challenges you’re facing and then use their understanding and personal experience to help you improve. 

Who are the Mentee?

A mentee works with his or her mentor to seek resources for learning by identifying weakness of himself/herself and learn information that might be helpful.  

The Role of Department of Botany in Mentor-Mentee Relationship


Mentor Mentee Program is an essential component for a successful career as it bridges the gap between the faculties and students. Basirhat College, as a student-centric Institution, is highly committed to the welfare of its students. The fact that the students enter their respective institutions at a critical and formative age forms the basis of a sound and dedicated mentoring process. Mentoring provides students emotional support, guidance, encouragement and better environment in college. A mentor plays a vital role in nurturing students and has a positive impact on students’ persistence and academic achievement. A mentee can approach his/ her mentor for both educational and personal guidance. It is conducted to help the students to strengthen their varied capabilities and to build an interpersonal relationship between the faculties and students.

Mentoring System

Mentoring mentee system at Basirhat College is a structured program in which each faculty is assigned with the task of mentoring about 8-10 students. First semester students will have mentors from the departmental teachers, and the teacher will mentor them when they move on to subsequent semesters.

Mentor:Mentee Committee/Academic Coordinator/Principal issue a circular on the allotment of Mentors and respective allotted Mentee in an Academic Year with details on contact number and email IDs, Further, an appointment letter is given to each Mentor regarding their allotted Mentees and the guidelines on Mentorship activities.

Regular counseling sessions are arranged for Mentee and Mentors to achieve the comprehensive success of Mentoring activities.

A hard copy Mentorship Log Book is maintained by each Mentor that has details on the Name of Mentor, Name of Mentee, Roll Number, and contact details including structured format on the meeting/counseling details such as date, time, signatures and remarks by Mentors.

This Mentor:Mentee system ensures that the comprehensive requirements of students including learning, social, and professionalism at personal levels are adequately addressed.

For the smooth process all mentors are provided with mentoring log book to keep a confidential comprehensive record of their mentees activities, academic and co-curricular achievements. During the interaction, Mentors document their observations and also develop a shared action plan to guide the students to enhance their professional growth.

At the end of the Academic session/ duration of a program, a Mentorship Log Book is submitted to the Principal/ Academic Coordinators for a record purpose and maintained as per the laid rules/guidelines of the Institute.