Subject Approval Forms

Attendance & Instructional Models

In selecting courses, there is a distinction between a student’s chosen Attendance Model and the Instructional Model in which any given course is offered.  For the 2024-25 school year, Butler Area School District students are able to choose one of three Attendance Models, while courses will be offered through one or more Instructional Models.


Live Instruction at School (IP):

Virtual Blended Program (VB): 

The Virtual Blended (VB) model combines asynchronous setting with the addition of live support when needed. The Blended Classroom will primarily use Edgenuity.  However, for some courses other platforms such as Google Classroom may be used. 

Students will be required to maintain a steady pace in their coursework. In addition, they will be required to attend scheduled live support sessions. The Virtual Blended model offers the flexibility of a self-paced course combined with scheduled teacher office hours to support students.

Virtual Blended classes are available to students in grades 6-12. Scheduling is flexible, however once enrolled, student attendance is required. 

Virtual Live (VL):

Butler Area School District will be offering students a unique virtual instructional setting for the 2024-2025 school year. Students may elect to participate in our Virtual Live (VL), which will be a combination of daily lessons through Edgenuity or Google classroom and scheduled live sessions with the teacher for additional instruction and support.  Virtual Classroom students will have the opportunity to interact with their teachers and classmates during their live sessions, which will be scheduled on set days and times. 

The Virtual Live (VL) will follow our traditional school day and school calendar. Daily lessons will be on Edgenuity or Google classroom, and will be supported through scheduled live lessons and support. 

Virtual classes are available to students in grades 6-12. Scheduling is flexible, however once enrolled, student attendance is required. 

Students are expected to meet the following expectations:

Failure to meet these requirements could result in one of the following actions:


In-Person (IP): attend school building for classes

Cyber: complete courses online

Hybrid: mix of online and in-person courses by class

Attendance and Instructional Models.mp4

Video Description:

Explanation of attendance and instructional models.

Guidelines for Selecting Courses

Click below for audio instructions on how to fill out the Subject Approval Form.

Subject Approval Form Recording.mp3
Subject Approval Form: FINAL