Explanation of Ability Levels

Course Level and Course Ref Guide.mp4

Video Description:

Explanation of Course Levels, the Course Reference Guide, Subject Approval Forms, and New Course Options.

All Levels:  Students from all ability levels may schedule this course.

Basic Level:  Course content is designed for the student who has scored below basic or low basic on the most recent PSSA/Keystone assessment related to that content area.

Academic Level:  Course content is designed for the middle ability achieving student. (This includes courses with “Academic” course titles.)

Average and Above:  Course content is more challenging than academic level. (This includes certain math and foreign language courses grades 9-12.)

Honors Level: Course content is designed for the high-achieving student.

Advanced Placement: College-level courses offered to students in grades 10, 11, and 12.  Students may elect to take the AP Exam offered in May, which could equate to college credit at participating colleges/universities.

Gifted Level:  Course content is designed for the identified gifted student.  Individual and group modifications will be provided.