Color Guard

...Carry... Colors!!

At H.P. Baldwin High School, the Army Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) proudly features a distinguished ensemble known as the "JROTC Bear Color Guard." This specialized unit, exclusive to H.P. Baldwin High School, plays an integral role in various events and ceremonies.

Comprising a contingent of four to five cadets, the JROTC Bear Color Guard undertakes the honorable responsibility of presenting the United States flag, the Hawaiian flag, and the Battalion flag. Additionally, they execute the presentation of rifles and, after each respective event, ensure the proper and respectful retirement of the colors.

The Color Guard, recognized for their outstanding performance, holds a prominent reputation and frequently graces the presence of the audience at football games and various ceremonial occasions. Their exceptional talents and dedication have made them highly sought-after, with numerous requests for their participation in community events. Furthermore, they occasionally embark on off-island journeys to partake in competitions.