D-Lab Drop-In

(lunch/activity period)

D-Lab started as an after-school pilot in 2015-16 for grades 5-8 and this is where the program earned the D in it's name for design, dream, and discover. Serving our older students, the drop-in workshop continues to be an intentionally unstructured time where students come to wear multiple hats of artists and engineers and experiment with ideas individually or in small groups. The principles of design thinking leverage all creative decisions in the space and design challenges take the form of media production, industrial design, or simply investigation of how something works through reverse engineering.

The ground rules for after-school 5-8 D-Lab are 1. question things, 2. try something new, 3. learn by doing, 4. share ideas, and 5. be safe while doing all of the above.

What's Inside?

Audio recording & editing. We use GarageBand, two mics, and a MIDI keyboard to record sound effects, spoken word and songs.

Sewing. Sewing machines, fabric, elastic, yarn, buttons....so much you can create!

Greenscreen video production. Green Screen by Do Ink on iPads has greatly simplified greenscreen video production. Filmmakers can see the results as they shoot.

Reverse engineering. Oh boy, do we love to take things apart and see how they work: remote controls, laptops, telephones, printers, and even an etch-a-sketch!

Stop Motion Animation. You can bring anything to life with iMotion on the iPad: expo marker and whiteboard, play dough, legos....

So many options:

  • 3D Design & Printing

  • Lego Mindstorms Robotics

  • Woodworking

  • Crafts

  • Snap Circuits & copper circuits

  • Motors

  • Drones....