The Professional Pathways for Teachers (PPfT) Appraisal is a multi-measure system that evaluates teachers on a regular basis. This system covers three areas: Instructional Practice, Professional Growth and Responsibilities, and Student Growth. 

PPfT Appraisal is the way Austin ISD meets the state's teacher evaluation requirements. 

PPfT Appraisal Resources

23-24 PPfT Timeline and Prohibited Dates.docx.pdf

2023-2024 PPfT Appraisal Timeline

Please carefully review the appraisal timeline and prohibited dates. 

PPfT Appraisal Guide, Overview and Rubrics 

23-24 PPfT Appraisal Guide.pdf

2023-2024 PPfT Appraisal Guide

23-24 PPfT Appraisal Overview.pdf

2023-2024 PPfT Appraisal Overview

23-24 PPfT IP Rubric.pdf

2023-2024 Instructional Practice Rubric

23-24 PPfT_PGR Rubric.pdf

2023-2024 Professional Growth & Responsibilities Rubric 

What This Might Look Like: Instructional Practice

The Instructional Practice Rubric has 5 strands related to instructional practice where teachers can earn a score of 1-5 on each indicator, with a score of 3 being the minimum district expectation. On the What This Might Look Likes, each of the strands and indicators are highlighted in depth focusing on the score of 3 and above areas of the rubric. Examples of what this might look like in the classroom are also included. Please note that these are only examples and that there are numerous other ways that these scores can be achieved. In the provided examples, clicking on a linked strategy or technique will lead you to a more thorough description on the resource website. 

Click on the image above to access the IP What This Might Look Like (Requires Portal Log In) 

What This Might Look Like: Professional Growth & Responsibilities 

The Professional Growth and Responsibilities Rubric has 5 strands related to professionalism where teachers can earn a score of 1-5, with a score of 3 being the minimum district expectation. On the What This Might Look Like, each of the strands and indicators are highlighted  in depth focusing on the score of 3 and above areas of the rubric. Examples of evidence are also included. Please note that these are only examples and that there are numerous other ways that these scores can be achieved.  In the provided examples, clicking on a linked strategy or technique will lead you to a more thorough description on the resource website. 

Click on the image above to access the PGR What This Might Look Like (Requires Portal Log In) 

Instructional Practice: What This Might Look Likes for Non-Traditional Classroom Settings 

Additional PPfT Appraisal Resources