The Student Learning Objective (SLO) is a method of measuring student growth. SLOs are teacher set goals for individual student growth. The learning objective is a targeted area of high need based on a thorough review of available data and must meet standards for rigor and verifiability. SLOs assign growth targets for each student to achieve based on a pre-assessment score.

PPfT SLO Process and Outcomes Rubric.pdf

SLO Process & Outcomes Rubric

23-24 Yearlong SLO Timeline.pdf

2023-2024 Yearlong SLO Timeline

23-24 SLO Semester Timeline.pdf

2023-2024 Semester SLO Timeline 

SLO Created Assessment Checklist .pdf

Checklist for Creating an SLO Assessment 

For more information on the Student Learning Objectives component, please watch the video below.