Cataloging Functions

Dealing with  new items from vendors

When a shipment of materials arrives from a vendor:

Some problems with vendor records may include:

If problems occur wit vendor records, contact Carrie Bresnehen at MPC 

Weeding items from the collection

Once you have selected items to weed:

Adding items to the catalog

Searching by ISBN

To begin searching, click the arrows in the Item information group to expand the window. Next click on Call Number and Item Maintenance. When adding items to the catalog, the fastest way to search for records is by ISBN. This should be the default setting for the Call Number and Item Maintenance wizard. Make sure the cursor is in the search field and scan the ISBN. This is generally printed on the back cover of the book or dust jacket.* WorkFlows should find the record and automatically open it to the editing window.** At this point, you need to check to see if you are on the "tree." If you are, your library will be at the top of the list and your existing barcode will be highlighted. If you are not, another library will be at the top and their existing barcode will be highlighted.

*Sometimes the barcode on the back has the ISBN number printed above it, but when scanned it displays different numbers as seen in the image to the right.

Always double check and compare what was scanned with the printed ISBN either on the cover or on the title page verso.

**Sometimes there are multiple records with the same ISBN. An explanation of how to choose the correct record can be found in the What to do when... section

Call number and item maintenance wizard (searching by ISBN).webm

Using the Call Number and Item Maintenance wizard video

This video will describe the tabs in the Call Number and Item Maintenance Wizard, and show how to search by ISBN. 

--Most books have an ISBN printed on the back of the book which can easily be scanned. If there is not an ISBN on the back to scan, you will need to locate the ISBN on the back of the title page and type it in the search field.

(Total time 2:44)

Adding a Call Number

Use this button when: 

Your library is not on the record (doesn’t appear in the tree) and you need to add your materials

You plan to have two copies shelved in two different locations.  For example; one copy is shelved in fiction with a F BEA call number, but a second copy will be shelved on a paperback rack with a call number PB F BEA.  This is considered another call number not a second copy.


*If the pop-up window displays a name other than your library, contact Library Technology

Adding a Call Number video

Adding a call number.webm

Adding an Item

Use this button when:

 you are already on the record (are on the tree) and you plan to add a second copy that will have the same call number.


Adding an Item video

Adding an item.webm

What to do when...

More than one return on ISBN search.webm

Multiple records for the same ISBN

Some ISBNs may return multiple listings. This video addresses what to do when this occurs.

ISBNs are generally accurate matches, but you still need to look at the record to know for sure. The record below is an example of the same ISBN used for multiple publication years.  At this point, you need to look at the bibliographic information in the record to see which one matches the item in hand.

(Video 1 total time 2:10)

No matching record in the catalog.webm

ISBN is not found in the catalog

Some ISBNs are not found in the catalog. This video addresses what to do when this occurs.

(Video 2 total time 0:43)