Student Showcase Guide

The Service-Learning Student Showcase will be held on Wednesday, May 1, 2024! We want to showcase and celebrate the important work you are doing to foster community engagement through a poster presentation or pre-recorded video. The event will be held in person on Wednesday, May 1, from 10 AM - 1:00 PM. We invite you to stay as long as you can, but you are not required to stay the full day if you have other commitments. A Participation Badge through Suitable and a paper certificate will be available, along with swag, light refreshments, and a chance to meet supportive community members!

Why Should I Participate?

Network with Peer Researchers!


Gain Conference Experience!

Showcase participants earn a certificate of recognition honoring their work, a participation badge through Suitable, and presentation experience.  All of this can be added to your resume and transfer applications to demonstrate your commitment to community collaboration. Some service-learning faculty require participation, so be sure to check with your Professor to learn more!

What do I need to Participate?

Create a video or Poster Presentation

Our Service-Learning Student Showcase is just like an academic research conference - work individually or in groups to present your service-learning project with the community! Participants have the option of submitting a video or presenting a poster in person.

Need a poster template?  Check out this link to get started.

Chat with your Professor

Each project is unique, and we're excited to see what you, your peers, and your community partners have accomplished over the semester! That said, some Service-Learning Faculty require students to participate in our showcase as part of their service-learning project grade.  Talk to your professor if you need help printing your poster.

Be sure to talk with your professor about presentation requirements specific to your course! 

Showcase your work!

On May 1, participants are asked to arrive in in person or in the Zoom room between 9-9:30 to get checked in.

Your certificate will be sent to your instructor if you don't receive it in person, and you will be awarded a badge to add to your LinkedIn and other social media profiles.