Tips & Pointers

Student Agenda

Write in your agenda!

Writing your homework can help you plan, organize, and prioritize your daily work so that you submit work in a timely manner.


PowerSchool is an online grading platform that is accessible through the Dana website.

Check your grades on a weekly basis so that you do not get too far behind

Dana Website

Access the Dana website here


Communicate with your teachers!

Email is the best way to contact us. Don't be afraid to advocate for yourself and talk to us!

Keep Up

Be diligent and don't fall behind.

Keeping up with your work is WAY easier than trying to catch up.


Self-advocate means to have the ability to speak-up for yourself and the things that are important to you.

Learning to stand up for yourself is a great skill to develop! Start practicing now!

More questions? Check out our FAQ page with common questions and answers for the school year and science + math class!