Student Feature

Meet Some of the Band Members!

Nicolas lo (10)

 Being in marching band is an amazing experience that I believe everyone should experience at least once in their life. I’ve made countless friends and memories that I will never forget. You’ve probably heard someone say all these things before, but I can’t emphasize how true they really are. As a freshman I also questioned if band would live up to the hype but now I can confidently say that it did. 

Casey kim (12) & Jesse chen (11)

C: There are so many different people, personalities, and experiences in band. You will find yourself growing into a new family with its own unique traditions and gaining new memories in unfamiliar places: the Agua Frescas at Ramona, countless stories shared in the long hours at Mt. Carmel, and who can forget our own hometown festival of bands? Band has given me a cast of unforgettable life lessons and is something I will forever cherish! CL4LIFE!

J: Joizing marching band in high school was a difficult decision because of the large time commitment it required. However, I unexpectedly discovered that having less free time actually improved my productivity and helped me learn how to manage my time. Despite this, the best part about marching band is not the time management skills you learn, but rather the strong friendships formed within instrument sections. These sections turn into tight-knit groups that help you grow as a person and make friends that last. Joining marching band was one of the best choices I ever made. To anyone considering joining, I say: embrace the challenge, enjoy the good times, and prepare to be part of something greater than yourself! 

Laila Fonseca (11) & Josh Kim (11)

L: At first, joining percussion was scary– from the first day, you meet at least a dozen strangers, and as time goes on, you begin meeting more new people from the band and colorguard. But no matter how intimidating it was, I learned that everybody in the program is amazing inside and out. The people I've met and friendships I've found have all contributed to the love I have for music. Especially in the sections, everybody forms a close bond and helps each other grow as individuals and as a group.

J: If I’m going to be honest, I wanted to quit percussion because I knew nothing about high school band and was the worst player in the group. Throughout my freshman year, I learned more about marching band shows and indoor percussion shows and I just fell in love with the activity. Of course it’s hard but going to all these different places and meeting new people is an irreplaceable experience that I’ll never forget. That feeling when performing in front of a huge audience and hearing those cheers is probably the best feeling in the world.

alexandrea cheng (9) & Elizabeth Chou (9)

A: Joining Color Guard has been a great experience especially coming into freshman year. I was nervous that I wasn’t able to familiarize myself with such a big campus. Guard helped introduce people of many grade levels that have the same interests as me. You get to develop so many friendships that you will hold close to your heart. I can’t even count how much memories I’ve made through competitions, bonding events, and practices. I really do consider this team to be my second family.  Guard has helped so much towards my self-confidence, patience, and perseverance. I was able to grow a lot through just two seasons, and I can’t want to see what the future holds. 

E: Being in Color Guard has helped me gain a lot of confidence in myself and has made me more outgoing. The people you meet in this group are amazing and they can help you with so many things, related to spinning or not. Everyone has a massive amount of faith in themselves and each person can be so inspiring to do better. It's a whole new experience with having the interaction of different grades. This is definitely a time I will always remember.

Christopher Engl (9)

Hello, My name is Christopher Engl and I am part of the 2024 Marching Band! As someone who just got into high school, marching band made me feel part of a fun and wonderful group that performs at many different competitions and schools. We practice very much to produce quality field shows, and spend a lot of time together to help represent the Arcadia Apaches! I loved playing the trombone and getting to know many different people from other grade levels.

alice liang (11), Aruna A (12), Gloria Shaw(11)

Al: Band has a unique energy that I’ve never felt in any other class. Rather than a music class, I would say it has become an unforgettable experience in my high school journey. I’ve made so many friends and connections with amazing people here. Some of my favorite memories are the Wednesday night rehearsals, the final runs at Champs, and our trip to Chicago. I enjoyed the past few years a lot- looking forward to my last band season!

Ar: Being involved in the Arcadia Apache Marching Band is truly the best thing that’s ever happened to me. From the electrifying energy that overtakes you right before the last rep during Wednesday night rehearsals and the intense concentration as you count through your sets and choreo, to the endless amount of gossip I’ve spilled on the bus rides to/from competitions and the thousands of memories I’ve made laughing over random things with my friends, I have absolutely cherished every little moment. Marching band has been a huge part of my life these past four years, and I will never forget all the memories I’ve made through this program. 

G: Marching band has been one of my most memorable and impactful experiences in high school. Not only has it allowed me to improve and showcase my talent, it has offered me a sort of discipline and attentiveness that have been crucial for me in gaining a sense of maturity. From elementary school, I believed that joining Band would just be playing an instrument in my chair, but it has become so much more than that. I am so grateful for the experiences I have gained, the friends I have made, and the person that I have become because of marching band.