Substitute Release

Here is the form that people can use to submit a request for a substitute specific to the Master Agreement funds. This should be done at least a week in advance. 

This form can be used to request subs for a variety of professional learning opportunities. Please fill out the form and include the appropriate reason for the sub and then an email will be sent to you with the sub code. 

If you are using this form to request a substitute for use with funds designated through the Master Agreement. These funds are part of the master agreement and can be used for class visits. This information will need to be submitted at least 5 days in advance. We ask that substitutes not be requested on high sub days (typically Monday and Friday) and if a substitute is not available the visit may need to be rescheduled. The visit also needs to be approved by your principal.

Please use this form to request coverage for substitutes for professional learning. You will need to include the reason for the substitute. 

Schools/educators are responsible for getting the substitute and a code will be issued to cover the cost of the substitute. If substitutes are not available educators may need to find a different day and time.

If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Professional Learning or Jennifer Sheldon