FAQs - Article 20

How does a weighted lottery work?

When an application is submitted, it will be awarded points based on the following criteria:

New Applicant to Article 20: 2 points

This is defined as an educator who has never submitted an application. 

An Applicant Who Has Applied and Not Received Article 20 in the last 2 years: 2 points

This is defined as an educator who has applied for funds and not been awarded Article 20 funds in the last two years.

An Applicant Who Submits A Plan for Sharing the Learning: 5 points

This is defined as an educator who has a plan to share their learning with a certain audience. This plan will include an intended audience, a deadline for this plan, and at least one proposed measured outcome. The format for this plan can include but is not limited to professional development facilitation, a committee meeting, a presentation, or an online class.

An Applicant Who Has A New Role or Leadership Opportunity: 3 points

This is defined as an educator who has taken on extra responsibilities beyond their contracted role and is applying for professional learning that is directly tied to this additional role, opportunity, or responsibility. 

An Applicant Who is Seeking Learning Not Provided in Aurora Public Schools: 4 points

This is defined as an educator who is seeking a learning opportunity that is specialized and extends beyond what is being offered. For example, a Special Service Provider is supporting a student with a rare condition. The educator is seeking professional learning to develop skills that would allow them to better support the student. 

Applicant and additional “weight” will be recorded using the generator linked here.

Applications will be accepted in the order of selection in the lottery as long as seventy-five percent of the allocation is reserved for regional (in-state) conferences;  twenty five percent is reserved for national conferences. Partial scholarships will also be awarded to ensure that all of the monies are bucketed appropriately.

When can I apply for the Article 20 Lottery?

For conferences taking place between September 1 and December 31, the deadline for applications is August 15. Awarded applications will be selected and contacted by August 30.

For conferences taking place between January 1 and June 30, the deadline for applications is November 1. Awarded applications will be selected and contacted by November 15.

Are Article 20 funds available for travel, hotels, and meals during the 2024-25 school year?

Are there Article 20 funds available for Summer Conferences?

How are Article 20 funds awarded?  Will I get a check?

Checks are not issued.  All expenses for your professional development activity will need to be paid out-of-pocket and you will be reimbursed all normal, approved expenses reimbursed through the Article 20 process.

If I win the Fall Article 20 Funds lottery am I eligible to enter and win the Spring Article 20 Funds lottery during the same school year?

If I have won the Article 20 Funds lottery for the Spring of this school year am I eligible to enter and win the Fall Article 20 Funds lottery for the next school year?

What are some of the most often overlooked things that will make an application incomplete or not acceptable?

Not having all required signatures, electronic or otherwise.

Not including a brochure/syllabus for the conference that will be attended that includes:  1. Name of the conference, 2. Name of the organization putting on the conference, 3. Cost of the conference, 4. Location of the conference.

If travel is involved, not having a per diem sheet included with the application.


What is the best method of getting my completed Article 20 application and supporting documentation to the Professional Learning Department?

Submit your application and all supporting documentation through PowerSchool.  Any questions or concerns can be answered by professionallearning@aurorak12.org  

How do I determine the correct Per Diem?

"Per Diem" is the maximum amount that will be reimbursed to you for all meals and incidentals directly related to this conference.  Receipts for meals and incidentals are NOT required and you will NOT be reimbursed for any amounts exceeding the allowed amount.

Using this website, please provide the per diem rate for Meals and Incidentals based on the Primary Destination for your conference.  Find this rate under the column Meals & Incidentals Expense (M&IE) Total.  Multiply this amount by the number of conference days (excluding the first day and last day of Travel).  To this result add the amount found under the column First & Last Day of Travel.  The resulting amount is what you enter here as your "Total Per Diem Costs"

If a meal such as Breakfast or Lunch is covered as part of the conference fees then you will need to find the corresponding column for that meal and subtract the amount shown.

Please include an image, pdf, or screenshot of the per diem page to include in the upload of documentation to Performance Matters.

Example:  Your conference is 3 days (Tues - Thurs) in Boston which will require 3 nights in a hotel and you are traveling Monday to Boston and Thursday is travel back home after the conference ends at noon.  You look up Boston and see the M&IE rate is $71.  You will now take $71 and multiply by 2 (Tues and Wednesday) because Monday and Thursday are travel days.  The result is $142.  Now, because you get a partial M&IE on travel days you look for "First & Last Day of Travel" and find the amount of $53.25.  Add $142 and $53.25 and this ($195.25) is your Meal and Incidentals allowance for your 3-day conference in Boston.  But wait, breakfast is covered in conference fees or the hotel offers breakfast for Tuesday and Wednesday so we need to subtract $17 X 2 = $34, Now we take the original total of $195.25 and subtract $34 which equals our new M&IE total of $161.25 for the 3-day conference in Boston, MA.

Receipts for meals and incidentals are NOT required and you will NOT be reimbursed for any amounts exceeding the allowed amount. 

What is the correct process for determining personal mileage?

To get the correct mileage for using a personal vehicle to travel to and from your conference you first must determine whether your travel days are normal workdays or are they regular non-work days.


If you travel to your conference in your personal vehicle on a normal workday you must use the mileage from your site based work location to your conference main site location.

If you travel to your conference in your personal vehicle on a normal non-workday (such as a holiday, Saturday, or Sunday) you must use the mileage from your home to the conference main site location.

This same logic must be used on the return trip from the conference main site location to your main site based work location or home location depending on whether it is normal workday or non-workday.

Who do I contact for further explanation or additional questions?

Professional Learning Team @ professionallearning@aurorak12.org

Any additional reminders?