Parent Communicaton

We recommend that schools reach out to parents at least 3 times prior to teaching Personal Wellness units for the greatest success in student learning outcomes and family partnering. Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to talk about what they are learning in these lessons. Giving the adults at home a "heads up" about the topic, and even some tips is always a welcome support. A parent letter should ALWAYS be sent out, and this letter is available in many languages.

  • Parent Letters: These are available in several languages, and you can download what you need and print right away!

To print Health Letters, Click here!

    • Students must have them one week before classes are to begin.

    • Letters are OPT OUT, meaning that we do not need a parent signature for the student to participate.

    • If you receive an opt put letter back, please make an attempt to contact the family to find out if they truly intended to opt their student out, or if there was another barrier present.

  • Connect Ed Phone calls- great tool for reminders that a letter was sent home, and that parents should look for them. You can also advertise parent information events.

  • Parent Information Events- conferences, health fairs or PTO events are a great place to let parents see the curriculum with the Health TOSA giving a short information session to answer any questions.

    • Additionally, curriculum can be made available to parents who would like to view it by appointment, just contact Jennifer Nassar by email -