Elementary Schools

Are you meeting with parents for conferences? Would you like a way to give a 'heads up' about Personal Wellness meetings? Please use this document to share information with parents and guardians. Simply fill in the yellow boxes with your school information. Please note: this does NOT replace the required Opt Out forms.

The 5th Grade Personal Wellness course in Aurora Public Schools will cover the following topics:

  • The social, emotional, and physical changes that may occur during puberty, including hygiene.

  • Reproductive anatomy of both the male and female.

  • Post fertilization development of the fetus.

  • Female menstrual cycle.

  • Communication skills around health needs and questions.

  • Communicable and non communicable diseases.

  • Resiliance skills for substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco and marijuana)

Do you need education for parents who are interested/concerned about Vaping? Check out our 5 min. presentation with up to date information, including results from the 2017 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey. Appropriate for all grade levels.

For more information: contact APS Health Instructional Coordinator Jennifer Nassar, janassar@aurorak12.org or ext 28374