Google Expeditions Kits in APS (Virtual Reality)

NOTE: The Google Expeditions Kits are legacy devices based on the Google Expeditions platform, which was deprecated June 30th, 2021. If you have one of these kits at your site or have checked one out through Learning Resources, the new app on the devices is Expeditions Pro. Teachers will need to manage their carts independently since these are no longer supported by Google, and the Aurora Public Schools IT department cannot manage these devices. These have been repurposed only with apps that don't require an internet connection.

What's in the cart/pelican case?

  • 30 Android Devices (e.g. Pixel 3a)

  • 30 Google Cardboard virtual reality viewers

  • Selfie sticks

  • Rapid chargers

  • Teacher device (tablet)

  • Router

  • Charging Cart (Pelican case is not set up for charging)

VR Safety

VR Safety Guidelines