Best Practices

When planning VR experiences for your students, keep the following safety guidelines and best practices in mind.

  • VR is an enrichment tool to increase student engagement. It should not comprise the entire lesson.

  • Students should take frequent breaks from the viewers to apply their learning and give their eyes a rest.

  • Consider having students engage in VR for only 15-20 minutes per session.

  • Closely monitor students use of their VR devices.

  • Students shouldn't use devices without supervision or merely for entertainment.

  • Consider a two-student to one-VR device ratio for the purposes of support.

  • Charging devices in between uses/classes is strongly recommended.

  • DO NOT press the reset button on the router.

  • Have an inventory system in place to manage your kit.

  • For younger students, place the devices in the headsets before distributing.

APS VR Sanitizing Protocols