repeat photography

One form of repeat photography documents habitat change using before and after photographs. Habitat change may include deliberate habitat restoration/management activities. For example, the photos below that I made document the removal of non-native white pines at Gremel Wildlife Sanctuary (Amboy, IL) in December 2016, and they also document what one landscape view looked like during tree removal and the appearance of that same landscape view after tree removal was completed 3 months later.

Another repeat photography study I am conducting documents change through time throughout an entire nature preserve, Gremel Wildlife Sanctuary. In June 2017, baseline photographs at 12 standardized photo points were made. In ArcGIS, I mapped these photo points and photos; see map at left in photo strip below. The photo strip below also shows my students making landscape photographs for this project at a point (pt02), the resulting landscape photograph taken at that point (pt02), and the repeat photography map. In future years, my students and I will repeat this work by making landscape photographs at the same 12 standardized photo points, thus creating visual documentation of natural habitat changes through time and changes in habitat after restoration activities.