art and science of climate change

Ghost Ranch

In 2019, I am hoping to teach the Art and Science of Climate Change for the Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM; this course combines the science of climate change with artistic expression for personal growth.

In this course, I explore climate change and art with students through: (1) classroom studies on current evidence and forecasts of a warming climate; (2) field studies that include data collection on habitat variables and repeat photography to document environmental conditions; and (3) reflection photography that captures thoughts and feelings about our changing Earth and what the future may hold for us and the natural world.

I teach the science of climate change and the technical use of digital cameras in easy to understand terms and with interactive, hands-on assignments.

Learning Objectives | Art and Science of Climate Change

  • Study the current status of climate change with an emphasis on the biological effects of changes in climate in the southwestern United States.
  • Participate in field studies for data collection on Ghost Ranch biological resources related to climate change.
  • Generate photographic evidence of the current environmental conditions at the Ghost Ranch, and create database of environmental photographs that can be used in future workshops to document change through time at Ghost Ranch study sites.
  • Create reflection photographs that capture feelings and attitudes of climate change resulting from classroom studies and field experiences.

Tentative Class Schedule and Topics | Art and Science of Climate Change


Monday, TBA

  • 9:00 a.m.-noon : Class time / Study evidence for climate change / Basics of photography: exposure and depth of field with cameras in hand
  • Afternoon: reflection photography on your own / I will be available to work with participants wishing to get personalized help with cameras, making photographs, etc.
  • 7:00-8:30 p.m.: Class time / Basics of photography: composition/subject matter with cameras in hand

Tuesday, TBA

  • 9:00 a.m.-noon : Class time / Study evidence of climate change / Practice basics of photography learned on Monday
  • Afternoon: reflection photography on your own / I will be available to work with participants wishing to get personalized help with cameras, making photographs, etc.
  • 7:00-8:30 p.m.: Share Your Photos: participants select several reflection photos and share them with the class; this is simple sharing with opportunities to express the goal of the photograph and how the shot was made (e.g., inspiration for the shot, camera settings, how perspective was realized, etc.).

Wednesday, TBA

  • 9:00 a.m.-noon : Class time / Field Studies: measuring environmental conditions and making landscape photographs at standardized photo points
  • Afternoon: reflection photography on your own / I will be available to work with participants wishing to get personalized help with cameras, making photographs, etc.
  • 7:00-8:30 p.m.: Class time / Organize field data and edit environmental photos

Thursday, TBA

  • 9:00 a.m.-noon : Class time / Field Studies: measuring environmental conditions and making landscape photographs at standardized photo points
  • Afternoon: reflection photography on your own / I will be available to work with participants wishing to get personalized help with cameras, making photographs, etc.
  • 7:00-8:30 p.m.: Class time / Share Your Photos: participants select several new reflection photos and share them with the class (new or updated photographs after Tuesday's Share Your Photos session).

Friday, TBA

  • 9:00 a.m.-noon : Class time / Mapping environmental photographs using Google Earth
  • Afternoon: reflection photography on your own
  • Friday evening is the final class time for week long courses and will include an all-Ranch closing show.

Saturday, TBA—travel day and departure

Student Required Materials | Art and Science of Climate Change

  • digital camera, e.g., DLSR or mirrorless camera, that allow manual adjustments for exposure (aperture, shutter speed, and ISO) and depth of field
  • camera lens with minimum 35 mm focal length (can be fixed focal length or zoom lens)
  • laptop computer with photo editor (such as, Adobe Lightroom) and Google Earth (download is free)
  • camera tripod (if possible)
  • NOTE: all students will be taught how to use the technical functions of cameras and, thus, no previous knowledge required.

Registration and Cost | Art and Science of Climate Change

I hope to teach Art and Science of Climate Change in 2019 at the Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, New Mexico. As stated on its website, "Ghost Ranch is an interfaith education and retreat center of the Presbyterian Church (USA), located in a northern New Mexico landscape many deem sacred". Click HERE for more information on the Ghost Ranch's mission, vision, and values.

Three ways to register for Art and Science of Climate Change:


Enrollment in Art and Science of Climate Change is limited to X students.

Facilities at the Ghost Ranch | Art and Science of Climate Change

The Ghost Ranch website includes the following regarding their facilities and amenities for over night visits:

"Ghost Ranch offers rustic, comfortable housing accommodations reflective of its origins as a working ranch. Our rooms are basic, no frills, but clean and comfortable with magnificent views. All units provide breathtaking vistas of colorful sandstone cliffs, cottonwoods, and distant mountains. After sundown, our expansive skies offer dazzling panoramas of the planets and stars without pollution of city lights.

  • All lodging is newly equipped with key-pad locks.
  • Wi-fi is available in the Dining Hall, Library and Trading Post Cafe in the Welcome Center where guests may also access a computer station. Both the Library and Welcome Center are open 24-hours a day.
  • All lodging is within walking distance of classroom buildings, the dining hall, Agape Worship Center, library and other buildings via dirt paths and roads. None of our trails, roads, paths or walkways are paved. Expect loose gravel."

Please check out a web gallery of my own photographs of Ghost Ranch facilities (different housing options, cafeteria, library, art buildings, etc.), and other sights and scenes on and near the Ghost Ranch property.

Please visit the Ghost Ranch website for more detailed information regarding their facilities.

Contact Information | Art and Science of Climate Change

Stephen B. Hager, Ph.D. | Department of Biology, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL 61201

309.794.3439 office |

Personal website:

Photography portfolio: | Facebook: Art and Science of Climate Change