2. Teaching in Dual Delivery
How might we engage both remote students and in-class students to ensure both groups receive a similar learning experience? How do we do this WITHOUT creating double work for the faculty member ?

Addressing In-class and Remote Students' Needs

The video below offers some tips for teaching in dual delivery mode. If you prefer the text-based version, you may view the slides here.

DD Module Student Hierarchy of Needs.mp4

Faculty Tips for Teaching Dual Delivery Mode

Below are tips from CLT and faculty who have taught in dual delivery mode. To download the infographic in PDF format, click here

Dual Delivery Lesson Plan Template

Planning your lesson ahead of time will help you see if there are any additional tools or adaptations you need to make to ensure remote and in-class students have a similar learning experience. Click to open this Dual Delivery lesson plan template (it will copy the Google document to your own drive so you can edit it) and start planning your dual delivery classes. You can, of course, vary the time spent on each portion of the lesson, as long as you ensure that the learning outcome is met for both your in-class and remote students equitably.

Tips for Students

Below are some tips to help your students have a smooth dual delivery experience. Feel free to download and reuse in your classes. To download the infographic in PDF format, click here

Further Support

You may wish to explore "Classroom Assessment Techniques" (CATs), you can use to engage students in Dual Delivery mode. Click here for 50 sample CATs.

To request a consultation with CLT, please fill this form

To learn more about Slido, and to set up an account, click here, and to request one-on-one support with Slido and other tools, please email sta@aucegypt.edu