Frequently Asked Questions

These Frequently Asked Questions have been updated based on faculty feedback on this module and questions asked during the DD orientation meeting. If you have questions that are not answered in the FAQs, please contact CLT and we will add them in.

Technology FAQs

What do I do if the large screen in the back is not turned on?

If the back screen is off, you can find the power button for it under the lower right corner of the screen.

What if I have something on my own laptop I need to show?

You may wish to use your own laptop, for example if you need to run a specific program that is not on the podium computer, or use it for monitoring chat. However, the ceiling microphones and the camera in the back are physically connected to the podium computer. So, you cannot use it as the main computer in the classroom. But you can use it as an extra participant in your Zoom session.

MAKE SURE to mute its built-in speakers, as well as mute its microphone in Zoom. Otherwise it will cause feedback noises for everyone.

What do I do if the podium computer’s internet connection is problematic?

If there is an internet problem, double click on the Internet Fix icon on the desktop (on the left-hand monitor) to reestablish the connection.

Who do I call for problems in room lighting, electricity or AC?

If there is a problem with the air conditioner, lighting, or electricity, call 02 2615 2222 - 01270001983.

Who do I call for problems in the equipment in the room?

Call ACTSS help number 010 6669 4352 for support on any of the below problems:

  • Remote students cannot hear

  • Projector not working

  • Podium computer not working

  • Back screen not working

  • Back camera issues

  • Room sound system issues

What improvements/upgrades to the room technology has the university done?

The general purpose DD classrooms have an added HD Camera mounted on a large screen at the back of the room, to capture instructors. High quality microphones are installed in the room, to capture in-class students' and instructor voices. In addition to a touch enabled monitor at the podium, to enable finger/rubber pen writing on the screen instead of whiteboard. Finally, the campus Internet bandwidth has been increased by 42% according to recent upgrades.

What do we know from the assessments done on DD mode over the past few semesters and what changes have been done to the technology?

AUC piloted three DD classrooms in spring 2021. Five faculty taught 11 courses in DD mode, and CLT conducted an in-depth pilot study. We collected feedback from faculty and from students.

We identified all technical issues in spring 2021 and worked on technical issues that occurred in fall 2021. We have now fixed issues with the room sound quality and echo in the DD classrooms, and some rooms are now padded to avoid echo.

Another pedagogical/technical issue was related to faculty who needed to write equations live, because students cannot see the physical whiteboard. All rooms are now equipped with a document camera (so faculty can write on a piece of paper) and a touchscreen (so faculty can write on any digital platform with their finger). See the Technical module for tips on how to use these tools.

Are there instructions on how to use the classroom technology?

You will find on the podium some signage that will have the instructions for how to connect to everything, plus the phone number and the email for ACTSS. You may find that revising the Technical module answers most of your questions, and if you sign up for a hands-on training this should prepare you fully for your first time in a DD classroom.

Will changing Zoom settings in the room computer affect my Zoom settings on other devices?

No, the change in Zoom settings should only work on the room device, and not your other devices.

If I need to use the classroom whiteboard, not the touch screen, will it be clear to remote students?

No, please do not use the whiteboard as remote students will not be able to see it clearly. If you need to write by hand, you can use paper and pen/cil and students can view it using the document camera, or you can use the touchscreen monitor with any app (see the section on using a digital whiteboard and on using a document camera).

If I use the document camera, does it require a special type of paper/pen?

No, you can use a regular paper and pen/cil or any other physical object. The document camera is just a camera that allows you to show whatever you write/do under it on the projector screen and you must also share it on Zoom so remote students can see it.

If the big screen in the back is not on, what should I do?

There are two brands of screens available in the rooms. If the one in your room is LG you will see the logo in the middle of the bottom edge of the screen. Samsung ones will have it towards the right side. Under each logo, at the bottom of the screen, you will find the ON button. Press it to turn the screen on.

Can/Should I Record my Dual Delivery Sessions?

Faculty are not obliged to record their dual delivery sessions, but if you choose to, please make sure you share them in a format that does not allow students to download the videos. Instructions for doing so are included here.

Pedagogy FAQs

What is Dual Delivery?

Dual Delivery Mode is when you teach a class where some of the students are physically in the classroom, and some of the students are joining remotely, via a video conferencing tool, like Zoom.

Is there a resource for DD?

This self-paced Dual Delivery module describes the technology available at AUC and the pedagogical approach we recommend, using videos and text, and the FAQs you are now reading.

What do we know from the assessments done on DD mode over the past few semesters and what changes have been done to the teaching approach?

One pedagogical issue that arose from student feedback was that the students at home felt that they weren't engaged with the teaching and learning that was happening in the classroom, and CLT has since offered workshops on how to engage both audiences, as well as the self-paced course your are viewing now, launched in Winter 2022. See the Teaching in DD module for preliminary tips. There will also be workshops during the semester. You can also sign up for a one-on-one consultation with CLT any time.

Do the students know what the dual delivery classes are, or should we introduce it to them?

You definitely should introduce it to them. You can email them on Blackboard. You could record a short video explaining the concept and when/how you might apply it in your course. Communicate with students as early as possible with your guidelines for when and how they can request to join class remotely, and how many hours/days notice you require in order to prepare for that.

Monitoring questions from remote students might not be easy unless a dedicated person will be available for that purpose.

Yes, that is why we suggest you have a TA with you in the classroom for that purpose. Ask your department for a TA who can do so, and if that is not possible, you may ask a student to volunteer (on rotation) to help with this. However, we strongly recommend you have a TA for that purpose.

This technique may cause distractions to the professor to ensure that remote students are following, which will hinder the efficiency of the lecture.

Yes, that may happen, and was the experience of professors previously. However, we recommend you have a TA present with you to help you stay connected to the remote students, so you can focus better in class We also have some suggestions in the pedagogy module for how to use technologies that allow you to engage both remote and in-class students without increasing your workload. You can also sign up for a one-on-one consultation with CLT any time to discuss any specific concerns related to your own teaching preferences.

How do I best integrate discussions and debates?

This question is best tackled during the pedagogy workshop scheduled for the beginning of the semester, which will be announced soon. In the meantime, please sign up for a one-on-one consultation with CLT to discuss the particular format you are hoping to use so that we can think through specific suggestions with you that fit your particular needs.

I am afraid that this technique might be misused by students, who might choose to attend remotely, even when they are not sick. Is there a system to limit their remote attendance when they’re not sick/isolating?

As the teacher, you can set your expectations and limitations for students and how you wish to take evidence of illness, and restrict when they are allowed to attend remotely when they aren’t sick or isolating. Please communicate your policy clearly to students early on. As a default AUC has as of Fall 2022 returned to fully face to face instruction for all courses.

Logistical FAQs

I am assigned a DD classroom even though I did not request one

All faculty teaching in general purpose classrooms will be teaching in a DD classroom. You may use the dual delivery modality if a student is sick or isolating and cannot come physically to campus.

How do I know if I teach in a DD classroom?

ALL general purpose classrooms as of Fall 2022 are now dual delivery enabled.

Is there a policy or should the student decide for her/himself that s/he wants to stay home?

The policy of attendance adheres to AUC attendance policy, and you should clarify it to your students early on. You can also clarify to them when they might be allowed to switch to remote (e.g. when sick or traveling for a university-endorsed event, for example) and when to notify you and with which evidence.

How can the instructor monitor the participation and focus of remote students, since the screen will be at the far end of the class?

You will also be able to see students’ faces on the second screen in front of you, not just the one in the back. And you will be able to ask Zoom students to type in the chat. One way to ensure all students are focusing with you is to periodically ask questions using a polling tool like Slido or Nearpod. See more teaching tips here.