Welcome to the AUC Dual Delivery Module


This resource is designed to help you prepare to teach in "Dual Delivery" mode at AUC. You will learn:

  1. What Dual Delivery entails

  2. The affordances and challenges of teaching in this modality

  3. The basic technical setup for a Dual Delivery classroom

  4. Some tips on how to teach in this modality in ways that engage all students (in class and remote) and ensure a similar learning experience for all students, without adding to your workload as a teacher

  5. To plan your lessons using templates to help you plan your course for Dual Delivery mode

When you complete this module, sign up for hands-on training in one of the equipped Dual Delivery classrooms. There will also be a workshop for faculty on pedagogy of teaching in Dual Delivery mode.

What is Dual Delivery?

Dual Delivery Mode is when you teach a class where some of the students are physically in the classroom, and some of the students are joining remotely, via a video conferencing tool, like Zoom. In order for this to be a seamless learning experience, teachers need to be aware of how to use the technology smoothly, and how to develop their lesson plans in ways that address the needs of both groups of students. It is sometimes called "Hyflex" or "Dual Audiences" and occasionally just called "Hybrid" teaching.

Why Dual Delivery?

  • Provides flexibility for students who are unable to be on campus (e.g. due to illness or travel) to continue learning smoothly.

  • In the past, with stricter COVID-19 measures in place, it allowed for a socially distanced classroom that accommodated a class size distributed over two groups (in-class and remote) simultaneously. This is no longer the case starting Fall 2022

To Complete This Module (20-25 minutes)

The success of Dual Delivery mode requires careful course design and depends on mastering both the technology and pedagogy. To complete this module:

  1. Complete the technical module

  2. Complete the teaching in Dual Delivery mode module

  3. Please complete this required form to indicate completion of both modules before doing the hands-on training! This should take under 2 minutes!

  4. Sign up for the hands-on training in the Dual Delivery classrooms