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Career & Technical Education
Career and Technical Education
Our Mission:
Career and Technical Education leads education in innovation offering Career Pathways to ensure students explore, compete, and succeed as lifelong learners in our future workforce.
Our Vision:
Industry, community, and education leaders partner to engage students to learn about careers. Youth engagement opportunities provide students career awareness, exploration, and preparation through career pathways that are relevant to student interests and responsive to the needs of employers and the economy.
Our Goals:
Relevant and rigorous programs which align with state and national industry program standards and integrate state academic standards across K-12 programs and disciplines, to prepare students for direct entry to careers or postsecondary education, including industry credentials in high demand, high skilled industries and prerequisites for college degree programs.
High demand, high wage, high skill training, and integration of the 21st Century professional skills.
Career planning for all students to enter direct to career, obtainment of a industry certification, or college degree.