Homework Policy

We strongly believe in the power of play and the importance of letting children be children. Further, research does not indicate significant benefits of homework at the elementary level. For these reasons, we have eliminated the majority of our standing homework assignments. Eat dinner as a family and ask them how their day was, enjoy your child’s extracurricular activities without worrying about homework, and know that your child is working hard at school each day and has earned their evening playtime!

We would like your focus at home to be on daily reading. Research shows students need to read at least 20 minutes, 5 days a week. Thank you for making this a priority!

We understand that some students and families may like to continue to have a daily homework routine. Most days, we will be sending home optional math homework pages you may choose to work on with your child throughout the week. We do ask that if your child does this homework that you check the homework for accuracy.

Please Note: If a student exhibits off-task behaviors during the school day and fails to complete an assignment, the assignment will be sent home for completion.