3 Spirit Day:  Career Day

Volleyball Jamboree @ Riverside; 4pm

10 Kindergarten Mother's Day Performance, 3pm

15 PTA Meeting, 6pm

16 Mt. Baker Future Bulldog Night @ Baker, 6:30pm

27 Memorial Day:  No School


May 6

May 13

May 22

SBA Testing Dates:

The Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) is a system of assessments aligned to Washington state standards in English language arts/literacy (ELA/literacy) and mathematics for grades 3-8 and high school. SBA tests are done online and they are not timed. Students will be given appropriate time to answer all questions.

May 7, 9, 16 (5th grade only),  22 and 23.

Kindergarten Registration Open for the 2024-2025 School Year!


ParentSquare Coming Soon

Effective communication between schools and families is a foundation for student success. Beginning in August, the Auburn School District will be using a new communication platform called ParentSquare so we can better communicate with families. 


ParentSquare lets families choose how they want to receive messages and designate their preferred language. The district has been testing the new system at multiple schools and the results have been great! We look forward to using this new tool at all schools in August.


Look for more information about ParentSquare in the coming months!

Why do we focus on attendance?

Children can’t learn if they aren’t present in school, so attendance is a must. Consider the following:

5 absences = 1 week of missed instruction

10 absences = 2 weeks of missed instruction

20 absences = 1 month of missed instruction


So what did your student not learn while absent?


By 6th grade, missing 20% (or two months of school) is a critical warning sign of school drop-out.

Schools can influence attendance with attendance incentives, building connections within the school. We believe that poor attendance can be prevented. Parents are best positioned to ensure children attend school and to build the expectation around attendance.

What parents can do: