The ASW Model

In virtual learning, we all have a part to play. These learning guides and the supporting pages are your first stop for understanding both school and parent roles in virtual learning. We strive to always make sure learning never stops at ASW!

Mr. Zurfluh


Virtual Learning at ASW is designed to ensure continuity and continued progress toward established learning targets for all of our students, and to minimise calendar disruptions. In keeping with ASW’s commitment to exceptional education, Virtual Learning experiences are developed to be robust and meaningful.

Parent Home Learning Resources:

There is no shortage of information available regarding Virtual Learning during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Common Sense Media is a valuable resource for parents and educators. Let Common Sense Education be your one-stop trusted resource in supporting your children. Please check out the: Resources for Families During the Coronavirus Pandemic where a number excellent resources can be found such as:

The ASW Virtual Learning Guides can be found HERE.

Roles and Responsibilities in the event of a school closure:

The School is responsible for ensuring that:

  • online learning commences the day after the school is officially closed

  • all online safety guidelines are reiterated

  • teachers are well versed in online learning best practices

  • materials completed by students are assessed by teachers

  • learning is taking place via Google Classroom/Hangouts, PowerSchool, videos, blogs, websites, YouTube and other digital mediums

  • expectations are clear to all stakeholders

  • there is consistency across grade levels and subject levels

  • there is clarity for online learning procedures

  • parents are informed if students do not complete their work

  • grade levels and departments are prepared in advance for online learning

  • all members of the ASW community can access the work being set

  • during and at the completion of the school closure parents and students are surveyed about the effectiveness of the online learning

  • Structures for time that teachers are expected to engage with students in class and at home in a blended teaching situation is considered.

The Student is responsible for ensuring that they:

  • set aside the scheduled time each day for attending to the online learning conducted by their teachers

  • participate actively each day they have classes, complete all work as prescribed, and post work to be assessed as required

  • understand that online learning is equal in nature to in school/ class learning

  • do the work provided to the best of their ability and as independently as possible

  • ask their teacher for clarification of any work set (or expectations) if they do not understand

  • understand their specific course expectations

  • understand the procedures and how to submit work remotely

Parents are responsible for ensuring that they:

  • for ensuring that their children have appropriate internet access in order to participate in online learning

  • are prepared, depending on the age of their children, to act as an additional ‘teacher’ during this time and help their child be engaged with materials

  • understand procedures and how to check if their child has submitted work

  • play an active role in their child’s/children’s learning regardless of their age

  • will contact an administrator if a teacher does not contact their child and cannot be contacted by parents

The Teacher is responsible for ensuring that:

  • they are online and ready to start the lesson at the scheduled time

  • attendance is kept in PowerSchool

  • lessons are conducted as per typical school lesson and curricula indicated (certain subjects exempted from curricula constraints)

  • all students are active participants and meaningfully engaged during scheduled lessons

  • students are sent work that is accessible, engaging and relevant to the work they have been studying in class

  • the quality, quantity and type of online work matches as closely as possible a typical classroom lesson

  • learning activity instructions are clear and precise

  • all work is posted as assignments in Google Classroom so both parents and students can check what has been set

  • submission method is stated in the assignment

  • assignments are set in a way that allows creativity and differentiation by the students

  • they ensure consistency with other teachers in setting work across year grades and subjects

  • they have adequate technical training and are able to effectively deliver a variety of materials to their students

  • they remain in regular contact with their respective team leaders

  • they update the Upper School Principal if there are concerns around attendance, collaboration, conduct or contribution of students in the online environment

  • they inform the Upper School Principal if they experience technical issues or have feedback to improve the process