Virtual Learning in the MS & HS

Virtual Learning Guide

Setting Up for and Supporting Student Success at Home

Students will need

  • their laptop, charger and reliable internet access

  • a dedicated place to focus on their learning

  • breaks & opportunities for social engagement (as they would have in school!)

  • a responsible adult to support learning; this may include providing structure to the day, general encouragement, or assistance in processing learning

  • understanding expectations for participation and work completion

  • to communicate questions or challenges directly to teachers and specialists

Roles and Responsibilities

The aim of the information below is to ensure that Virtual Learning is meaningful, effective, impactful, and efficient. To achieve this, it is imperative that all stakeholders are aware of their expectations, roles and responsibilities.

The Student is responsible for ensuring that they:

  • regularly check PowerSchool to know their class schedule each day

  • regularly check Google Classroom to know their learning tasks and activities each day

  • set aside the scheduled time each day for attending to the Virtual Learning conducted by their teachers

  • actively participate each day they have classes, complete all work as assigned, and post or upload the required work for the teacher to assess

  • understand that Virtual Learning is equal in nature to learning that takes place within the walls of the campus and its classrooms

  • do the work provided to the best of their ability and as independently as possible

  • ask their teacher for clarification of any assigned learning tasks or activities if they do not understand

  • understand their specific course expectations

  • understand the procedures of how to submit work remotely

Parents are responsible for ensuring that they:

  • regularly check PowerSchool to know the class schedule of their child each day (as well as access other important and relevant informational items contained in this platform)

  • support their children in having appropriate Internet access in order to participate in Virtual Learning

  • are prepared, depending on the age of their children, to act as an additional “teacher” during this challenging time and help their child be engaged with learning tasks and activities

  • Are able to view their child’s Google Classroom (by viewing it with their child) and check if their child has completed or submitted the required work

  • play an active role in their child’s learning, regardless of the child’s grade level

  • will contact the teacher if clarification or support is needed in a particular class

  • will contact an administrator if a teacher does not contact their child

Upper School Virtual School Day For Short Term Closure

What to Expect

  • Teachers will post a link in Google Classroom explaining how students can access the class "meeting" and expectations at least 30 minutes prior to class starting.

  • Students should connect via that link and "attend" class using the same schedule as if they were in school

  • Attendance will be taken at the start of each class and recorded in Powerschool

    • High school parents should notify or call 602380651 if their child is too ill to participate.

    • Middle school parents should notify or call 604287528 if their child is too ill to participate.

    • If a student has an unexplained absences, the Office Managers will call parents seeking clarification.

  • Students should attend class during their schedule time, and have breaks as usual. A student's course schedule is indicated in Powerschool.

  • Assignments will be posted in Google Classroom (if applicable) for students to submit virtually.

**This section would be updated in the event that ASW should close down for a longer period of time. These instructions are relevant for short term closure.