Zoom Help

Getting started with Zoom on ASW iPads (for Grades 1-2)

Getting Started with Zoom on ASW iPads 2.mp4

Zoom will be pushed out to ASW iPads sometime over the weekend of 28-29 MAR. Teacher instructions for students to join in on Zoom sessions will be found on Seesaw on the date of the Zoom meeting.

Getting Started with Zoom on ASW Laptops (for Grades 3-5)

Getting Started with Zoom on ASW Laptops.mp4

Zoom will be pushed out to ASW student laptops sometime over the weekend of 28-29 MAR. Teacher instructions for students to join in on Zoom sessions will be found on Seesaw on the date of the Zoom meeting.

Getting started with Zoom on ASW iPads (for Grades 1-2)

Getting Started with Zoom for Early Years Parents.mp4

Zoom iPad Login
Computer Video Problems in Zoom
Computer Mic Problems in Zoom