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Copy of Elements of an Online Lesson

Tips for Families


  • Establish a daily routine to support your learning.
  • Identify a comfortable, quiet space so you can work effectively and successfully.
  • Check your email, PowerSchool and Google Classroom frequently.
  • Complete work on which you can receive feedback (either online or during the next class meeting, as indicated in instructions).
  • Participate in online learning activities with your peers as directed.
  • Complete assessment tasks.
  • Take breaks, play, be active.
  • Communicate proactively with your teachers. Ask questions, but be patient when waiting for a response. If a teacher emails you, respond in a timely manner. You can use email or, if permitted by your teacher, Google Hangouts or Google Meet.
  • Communicate with your friends, classmates and teachers regularly.
  • Be mindful of your workload and wellbeing. If you have any concerns, contact your tutor or counsellor.
  • If you experience any technical problems, or aren’t sure who to ask, email support@aswarsaw.org
  • Keep your iPad/laptop with you when traveling.


  • Help your child develop daily routines.
  • Ask questions, talk about learning, upcoming deadlines, and workload.
  • Encourage your child to take study breaks and to take part in physical exercise.
  • Be mindful of your child’s wellbeing; speak to them regularly about concerns or challenges.
  • Communicate any concerns to your child’s teacher or counsellor via email.
  • Choose a learning location that is suitable to be seen by peers and teachers if students are using video tools.
  • Create opportunities for your child to interact with peers to maintain connections with their school community.
  • Ensure students are dressed appropriately when using video tools.
  • If there are siblings simultaneously online, choose locations that do not cause noise interference when recording learning or video conferencing.
  • Keep your laptop with you when traveling.