Study Hall Access

Library Access from Study Halls

TO:                  Study Hall Teachers

FROM:           Marybeth Gallant, Library Teacher

DATE:                        January 25, 2012

RE:                 Study hall students and library access 

            Please follow these guidelines for sending students to the library from study hall.  Share this information with your students so they understand these guidelines as well, as some of them may not have had study hall before, so this may be new to them.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation! J

Second Semester (Spring 2012)

Library Study Numbers


Ø      Due to the varying number of studies each period, the number of students who can access the library during study varies as well.  Please adhere to the suggested numbers.  If changes need to be made, you will be notified.  Please remember that I don’t create the schedule or the studies, but need to maintain an academic environment in which all students can benefit from their time here. 

Ø      Please have a way of ensuring that students have an equal chance of getting to the library (not the same students each time).  If they miss the list from your study during one rotation, maybe they can be assured a spot the next time.  

Ø      To help you understand the numbers, if it says 15 there is only one study, 10 there are two or three studies, 8 there are four studies, 6 there are five studies, and 5 there are six studies.   This allows students access from study while still leaving space for VHS students and classes for research without frequent restrictions to the number (which does have to happen on occasion). 

Ø      Thanks for your cooperation!