Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success
We demonstrate Tū Tangata for our ako, tāngata & whenua
Ways in which we demonstrate this is by:
being prepared and organised for our learning day
contributing to a positive working environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn
completing work to our full potential
being brave, taking risks and stepping outside our comfort zone!
being prepared for all school activities so you can participate fully
being supportive
showing an awareness of others and the impact your actions can have on them
managing myself, my actions and my own belongings
NELP 1: Learners at the centre
Student Led Initiatives (Prefects, Mediation)
Surveys (Inclusive Practices and Wellbeing at School (to implement)
Review the school PB4L matrix
NELP 2: Barrier Free Access
Highly capable teaching staff delivering a Flipped Curriculum creating rich programmes, particularly in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy (Implementation)
Co-partnership with whānau and organisations through the development of learning and behavioural plans (Working at school)
Consistency of personnel who understand the ethos of our kura, whānau, and community (Implementation)
Sound induction processes to allow new staff to integrate effectively and efficiently into schoolwide practices (Implementation)
Reciprocal partnerships with our ECE Servicesand Secondary Schools to form relationships and pathways for students moving in and out of our kura (Implementation)
Deepen Assessment for Learning practices across the school (Implementation)
NELP 3: Quality Teaching and Leadership
Building strong connections with Māori whānau
Utilisation of Kāhui Ako resources, people and professional development (using the information)
3 year cycle of professional development focusing on Structured Literacy and ‘The Writer’s Toolbox’
Refresh of the school’s learning resources, programmes, pedagogy and systems to reflect the needs of Te Mātaiaho
Ongoing professional development for Te Apiti Staff (application)
Ongoing initiatives to strengthen and support classroom pedagogy (systems)
NELP 4: Future of Learning and work
Utilise modern technologies where students are engaged in T.E.C.H
Improvement plan for Specific Actions for 2024
Student Leadership
A structured process that uses a neutral person, the mediator, to help those in conflict to come up with their own solutions for a win/win outcome. Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process to constructively manage conflict. The mediator facilitates the mediation process to support their peers in resolving their own problems.
Leadership restructure
In 2024, the leadership structure was changed to include two additional members - an Assistant Principal and a Senior Lead Teacher. The AP oversees the year 5-8 teams and the Senior Lead oversees the year 0-4 teams. The aims of these roles is to ensure consistency across the school with systems, behaviour management, professional development etc. This will improve outcomes for students who have Team Leaders as a teacher, as it minimises time out of the classroom for that teacher. This change in leadership structure will also allow for robust and effective development and implementation of Te Mātaiaho.
Teaching Capability
DigiCOACH - streamlined classroom walk-throughs that provide positive and actionable feedback that increase teacher confidence and competence. Utlising the Our Code, Our Standards alongside the school teaching pedagogy developing a system that provides teaching staff instant feedback on performance
Development of a new workspace (woodwork room) and review of current programme delivery to integrate new topics.
Expected Outcomes
Student Leadership:
Develop student capacity to facilitate outcomes when dealing with low level conflict
Reduction in the number of incidents during break time
Increased confidence within the student leadership team
Increased awareness of the meaning and styles of leadership with the student leadership team
Empowering student leaders to take an active role in resolving conflicts that wouls usually be resolved by staff
Improved relationships between students
Fostering tuakana / teina
Creating a culture of understanding and empathy among students
A preventative strategy that addresses potential issues early and reduces future escalation
Leadership Restructure:
Streamlined school systems across teams
Improved communication within and outside the school
Improved outcomes for students
Improved efficiency
Increased agility and flexibility that enables senior leaders to be responsive to a range of situations quickly and effectively
Enhanced communication
Increased exposure to leadership development and experience
Fresh perspectives are acknowledged for the values and strength that they bring to school development
Increased accountability as the roles become more explicit of each leader
Teaching Capability
Increased teacher confidence and competence in teaching
Improved student results
A non-confrontational, personalised and confidentidential mechanism for giving feedback in areas for enhanced growth and development
Identify school-wide trends for growth and development
Enhance leaders' abilities to identify areas of strength within the school
Ākonga engaging experiences that deepen understanding of materials and concepts
A creative and innovative space where students are exposed to a range of experiences including engineering, hard materials, science, and mathematics
Identify areas of strength and future topic and integration
Enhanced use of assets and equipment