Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success
Specific targets from Annual and Strategic Plan 2024 - Reading
Target student's Engagement Reports will be discussed at team meetings to monitor their engagement in school. If required, FBAs will be carried out to improve engagement levels.
FBA's uploaded to students profiles. Increased engagement scores.
Senior Teacher(ST) / DP Curriculum
Students in the Ruahine and Tūranga will participate in Structured Literacy based on the iDeaL approach.
Consistent teaching approach to structured Literacy. Improved Teacher knowledge.
Refresh Flipped Learning materials to reflect Structured Literacy in Junior School
Teaching and learning content is up to date and relevant to teaching methods
Review of school-wide reading matrix.
Assessment will match practice and consistent levelling across the school.
TL / AP / DP
Trial 'Dibels' (Record of Reading) in a few classes across the school.
Record of reading produced for each child across the school. Accurate assessment based on evidence.
Use of Heggerty Phonics to help develop phonological awareness in the Ruahine and Tūranga teams.
Improved phonological awareness for all students.
Use of the "Agility of Sound" resource kit for middle to senior students.
Access to phonological improvement for pupils who are older and missed out on this approach.
DP Pastoral
iDeal teaching resource to be used in the Tararua / Whārite teams.
Consistent approach across the senior part of our school. This will align with junior school practices.
One hour of reading taught everyday.
Timetables demostraing this practice.
Te Apiti
Tararua and Whārite are creating an updated resource bank of Journal Mahi that is based on bloom's taxonomy and scaffolded comprehension tasks.
A bank of moderated resources accumulated over time that are accessible by staff. A wider breadth of study for students in reading.
Observational feedback on reading practice - digiCOACH.
Record of observations occuring. Identification of weaknesses in teaching practice across the school. Actions from Te Apiti to suppot these needs in minutes.
School documentation that represents the new curriculum model
Clear links in planning for activities that children are going to be completing. A wider breadth of study with high expectations and mileage.
Review of the Common Practice Model
School practices that align with the CPM.
Engagement reporting scoring trends
Evaluation of resources created
Observations of reading practice
Assessment information on student achievement
Student responses in daily flipped lessons
The Ruahine and Tūranga teams have explicit professional development provided by iDeaL that focus on a Structured Literacy approach. The entire school will have access to all of the resources that support this approach.
iDeal readers
Teachers to be released to work with PLD providers
Digi Coach
Dibels teaching resource
Heggerty teaching resource for Tūranga team