Physical Theatre



Course Description

Tap into your Superhero Self by challenging your athletic abilities alongside your imagination. Students will train their bodies and minds in strength, agility, flexibility, humor, and balance while learning stage combat, pratfalls, slapstick, and basic gymnastics. We will examine different forms of physical storytelling and hilarious gags throughout time, from the Buster Keaton to Avner the Eccentric. During non-pandemic times, classes are held throughout campus on the sports fields and playgrounds, as we explore how architecture and space can influence our creative output.

Course Objectives

  • To learn about various physical theatre techniques and their origin
  • To play with purpose
  • To train the body in strength and flexibility in order to better peform physical theatre techniques
  • To develop the voice and body as instruments with rigor and precision through an understanding of anatomy and physical mechanics.
  • To work in small groups to create a variety of original pieces of theatre that can be performed for our ASFG Community
  • To utilize various theatrical devising techniques in order to develop work that is dynamic, surprising, and imaginative.
  • To find ways to solve creative problems that have no definitive answer.
  • To become comfortable with the act of creating something where nothing existed before, with a high level of self direction and inspiration.
  • To cultivate joy through movement and play
P7 Physical Theatre S1 2020
Mime Rubric
Physical Theatre Scene Rubric