Astro Social Media

For people living in the St. Louis Metropolitan area, the St Louis Astronomy FaceBook page provides information and fun. Click here for a link. St Louis Astronomy 

The free Cloudy Nights website has forums discussing a wide variety of astronomical topics. If you are a beginner, or want advice about astrophotography, you can get lots of advice. Most of the members live in the US, but many live in the United Kingdom, Australia, and elsewhere in the world. All psost are in English. There are additional forums for discussing just about anything you can imagine. Its search feature is not the best. I have found that using a Google search on an astronomical question often brings up a Cloudy Nights post in the first few urls. 

Here is a link to CN. 

This io group is called STLAstronomy. This is a sample cut-and-pasted for you to see. 

Permission is needed to join. If you live in the Saint Louis metro area, this is a great social media site for active observers, or those just learning. Local astrophotographers display images that you will enjoy. Here is a link.