Week 8: Practicing Deep Relaxation

Deep Relaxation Reduces Stress:

We know that long term, chronic stress can have negative effects on our body, mind and health. What are some of the negative effects of stress and anxiety on our body?

  • migraines and tension headaches
  • ulcers and stomach problems
  • high blood pressure
  • weaker immune system
  • lower quality sleep and insomnia
  • etc...

Research shows that there are many benefits of using relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. What are some relaxation techniques that help relieve stress? Read the article below to learn more...

Relaxation Techniques: Using the Relaxation Response to Relieve Stress

Here are a few relaxation techniques for you to try on your own:

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Guided Visualization

Mindful Breathing

Body Scan

Square Breathing

Counting Breaths

4-7-8 Breath

Relax, Ground and Clear

Self- Reflection:

  1. What do you do to relax? Do you take time for relaxation in your day?
  2. How well does it work for you?
  3. Which of these relaxation exercises might work for you?
  4. When is the best time for you to practice your relaxation exercise?

The more you practice relaxation techniques, the better they will work you. It's helpful to pick a regular time of day to practice (ie. when you wake up, before you sleep at night, etc). Research shows that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. If you take 2-3 minutes every day for 21 days to practice relaxation exercises, you could develop a lasting routine that would be beneficial to your mind and body. Ready to start? You can do this!