Week 7: Facing Your Fears

"Facing Your Fears".... intentionally facing situations and objects that cause you fear or anxiety with the goal of reducing the anxiety felt in those situations over time.

We know that if we avoid something that makes us feel anxious, then the next time we encounter that "thing" we will feel more anxious. The way to reduce the anxiety is to gradually face the fear in a safe environment. This is called Exposure Therapy.

Where do I start? First, identify a situation that makes you feel anxious or fearful, something that you avoid doing but is important to you. Rate this situation on the stress level that you feel (1-10). Then create a Fear Hierarchy, like a ladder of situations ranging from the least to the most stressful situation related to your fear or anxiety... and rate your stress level in each situation (1-10). Below is an example of a Fear Hierarchy.

Example Fear Hierarchy: "I am afraid of snakes."

Activity Stress level (1-10)

Hold a snake in your hand 8

Have a snake placed on your lap 7

Let a snake slither over your shoe 6

Sit with a snake on a table in front of you 5

Hold a box with a snake in it 5

Look at a real snake in a closed box 5

Look at a photo of a snake 4

Think about a snake 4

By facing your fears, little by little, starting at the lowest situation on your fear hierarchy, you gradually and gently learn to tolerate the stress and anxiety and "build up" your tolerance to the uncomfortable feeling of fear and stress until you are able to face your fear. This is called habituation... as you become accustomed to something, your fear reduces. Think of riding a roller coaster... the first time you ride it, you may be afraid, but with each time you ride it, you become less scared. In an anxiety producing situation, usually the anxiety decreases with time. If you can stay with it for 10 minutes, the sensation of fear and anxiety will decrease and lessen.

Strategies for dealing with the fear and anxiety during the exposure...

-Plan ahead of time, what are the thoughts and self talk that you tell yourself in this situation.

- Ask yourself, what is the best and worst case scenario. How likely is it that that will happen?

-Write a positive affirmation to repeat to yourself

-Remember to breath through your anxiety... stay with it knowing that the anxiety will lessen after a short time