3rd Grade Newsletter

Find out what's happening in 3rd Grade for the coming week!

Week of September 16, 2019


Every Wednesday- College Day- Have your child wear his or her favorite college shirt and/or hat to school

Every Friday- School Spirit day! Cheerleaders are selling tattoos for 50 cents. Please wear your Anderson school shirts!

This week is mile run in P.E. Please have your child bring a water bottle, shorts, and tennis shoes on the following days-

Mrs. Oller's/ Mrs. Cawthon's Homeroom classes - Tuesday and Friday

Mrs. Bay's homeroom- Monday and Friday

Mrs. Hulsman's - Monday and Thursday

9-16-19 - 9-20-19- Homecoming week-

Monday- "Merica Monday"- Wear red, white, and blue!

Tuesday- "Twin Tuesday"- Dress the same as a friend

Wednesday- "Color Wars"- Wear all RED!

Thursday- "Team Jersey Thursday" Wear jersey or shirt for your favorite team

Friday- "Let's Fight Friday"- Wear blue and white- Owl Pride!!

9-18-19-- Wednesday Homing Pep Rally in downtown Anderson

9-20-19- Friday Homecoming Pep Rally at the High school- We will all load up buses from the elementary and head to the high school in the afternoon. Homecoming Football game at 7:30!!! Hope to see you there

9-26-19- Thursday- Hooty Store day!

10-2-19- Monday- Fall Picture Day

10-4-19- Friday- Fall Festival 5:30-8:00

  • Please Don't forget while you're out this weekend to get a "Grilling item" for our 3rd grade basket. All donations are appreciated!

Here is the link to our Fall festival sign up. This year 3rd grade is in charge of Skeeball.


What's Happening in Class:

MATH/Science/SS- Mrs. Bay & Mrs. Oller


We will continue Topic 2 in math this week. Topic 2 is not an easy topic because we are teaching your child multiple ways to add and subtract. We call this "Mental Math." You do this in your head as an adult, but teaching this to your child is hard for them. I promise after this topic we are back to the standard algorithm, aka.. the regular way to add and subtract. Next week, we will have Topic 2 test on Thursday! Your child will have homework on Monday, Tuesday, and test review on Wednesday. No homework Thursday or Friday!

Social Studies/Science

Mrs. Oller/Mrs. Cawthon classes- We will finish up "Landforms" in Social Studies and have our test over maps and landforms on Wednesday.

Mrs. Bay/Mrs. Hulsman classes


In science this week we will explore different forms of energy, including mechanical, light, sound, and thermal energy in everyday life. Science test on Friday!

Reading/Writing- Mrs. Cawthon & Mrs. Hulsman

This week in Reading we will be focusing on the genre of Realistic Fiction and our story of the week is Cocoliso. Please continue reading every night for 30 minutes. Please make sure your child brings their Library Book back EVERY day along with their blue folder.

In Writing we will continue working on writing our Personal Narrative, so please talk with your child about their topic they chose and the details of the story, to refresh their memory. We will also be talking about Context Clues and Compound Sentences.

Spelling test will be on Friday September 20th and will be over base words and endings Please have you child practice their spelling words AT LEAST 3-4 times a week.











Sight Words



**There will be 4 unknown spelling words that will be given during the test to check student’s understanding of the spelling pattern.

**Spelling homework is NOT for a grade. The activities on the back of the spelling list are for studying for the test. I recommend having your child at least do 3-4 of the activities to prepare for the test.

Contact us:





Our daily conference time is 1:10-1:55pm. Feel free to call us at school (936) 873-4525 or email us at the addresses above at anytime you have a question or concern.