COORDINATOR: Emerson Assis


The International Organization Simulation Project (SOI) was founded in 2013 and provides simulations of meetings of general assemblies and similar bodies of International Organizations in public and private high schools in the municipality of Caruaru, in addition to ASCES-UNITA itself. The Project SOI ASCES-UNITA has the goal of bringing knowledge about the functioning of international organizations to high school and university students in the Agreste region of Pernambuco. In this sense, our project participates and promotes debates and competitions on themes involving international organizations, such as the international protection of Human Rights, Foreign Policy and Refugee Law, working especially with "MUN's" ("Models of United Nations"). To this purpose, we have already developed partnerships with institutions such as the British Consulate in Pernambuco and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and have participated in simulations at a national level in Recife and Brasília, and internationally, in the United States, Peru, and Canada.

Check here the last SOI event: VII ASCES MUN