
Participation & ENGAGEMENT


Key partners in the Unlocking STEM in CLD project are pleased, during Promoting Equity Week, to be able to share the resources and learning gained through their innovative collaboration. Grant funds and support from Education Scotland and the efforts of Community Learning and Development (CLD) staff in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City councils and Aberdeen Science Centre have resulted in pilot workshops, materials, guidance, a case study publication and an online training programme for access across the Northern Alliance area. All of these things are aimed at strengthening the practice of those working in CLD through learner engagement with a STEM focus.

Underpinning this work has been the ethos and practice of collaboration and co-production. We hope these resources will be well used and will support the professional learning of staff in the CLD sector as well as Early Years Colleagues and Support Staff in our Primary and Secondary Schools.

Professional Learning on this resource can be accessed here. (Please note this link will take you to an external website)


Families living on low incomes often struggle with the cost of the school day. Uniforms, trips, school lunches, gym kits, pencils and pens, and dress down days can be difficult or impossible to afford. When children and young people can’t take part in opportunities because of financial barriers, they not only miss out but feel different as a result, and it is harder for them to learn, achieve and be happy at school.

The Cost of the School Day is a project run by Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland and helps school communities identify and overcome cost barriers that shape and limit children’s opportunities at school.

Watch these clips to see why Cost of the School Day makes a difference and how Keith Grammar have made

Their toolkit provides practical support for Secondaries, Primaries and Early Years Settings to try to reduce costs in their own settings. A range of new resources post-lockdown has also been added to the website. As well as this useful Sway with more ideas and info! Further resources can be found within our Sharepoint site.


Join Kirsty and Lindsay, the Moray Cost of the School Day practitioners, for an informal practice network session as part of Challenge Poverty Week 2020 on 6 October from 16:45. The aim of the session is to share some of the good practice and positive steps schools and their staff have taken in recent months to address the cost of the school day. Even if you are not in a position to share your progress we would love you to attend as this is a chance for mutual learning and to hear about the work of your colleagues across Moray.

This will be the first session in a series of regular virtual gatherings for school staff in Moray which we hope will offer a relaxed space in which to come together and share experiences and ideas. Sign up here

Further Resources

The images below highlight some of the additional resources that are available to read and use in your setting. Click on the link below to take you to the website or our Sharepoint to find these and other available resources.


Participatory Budgeting (PB) is about local people having a direct say in how public money is spent.

PB can support active citizenship, helping build more active and stronger communities that are:

  • better able to take decisions on where public funds are spent.

  • more likely to take part in community activities

  • better informed about public budgets and decision making

What this means is that it is a great way to get community involvement in how to spend PEF effectively. Check out the website by clicking on the logo or find more resources on our Sharepoint.