

The Journey So Far

The Scottish Attainment Challenge has now been up and running since February 2015, but how has this been rolled out and what should I be aware of in my setting? Read more about this by clicking on the icon on the left.

The presentation from Tuesday's live event will be uploaded to our Sharepoint

Pupil Equity FundING

Pupil Equity Funding is being provided as part of the £750 million Attainment Scotland Fund which will be invested over the current parliamentary term and has now been assured until 2022. The Pupil Equity Funding is allocated directly to schools and targeted at closing the poverty related attainment gap.

Clicking on the map will take you to our Sharepoint providing a number of examples of how schools have used their PEF funding in a variety of settings.

Presentations from the Scottish Council of Deans of Education on 29/09/20

Aberdeen University

University of Highlands and Islands

Local Data for Local Improvement: Grant Murray

Learning from Data: A chance to explore the data around your unique locale.

Scottish Public Health Observatory: Grant Murray

National Improvement Framework: Alison Thomson

Further Resources

The images below highlight some of the additional resources that are available to read and use in your setting. Click on the link below to take you to the website or our Sharepoint to find these and other available resources.

A case study: Aberdeen City

Living Well in a High Cost Economy: In work poverty in Shetland

A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland - A Policy Update