


Gayle Gorman, Chief Executive & Chief Inspector of Education Scotland introduces our first Equity Week in the Northern Alliance.

Five Hidden Poverties of and in Scottish School Education

Professor John McKendrick looks at the five hidden Poverties of and in Scottish school education. How do we evidence the problem, how do we understand it and how can we work towards solutions?

The Nature and Impact of Poverty

Scott Calder, Jo Kirby and Maureen Mooney look across the Northern Alliance to describe what poverty looks like in rural, urban and island communities, explore how poverty has impacted children and families during the Covid-19 pandemic and provide some reflective questions and resources for schools to use to understand their own situation further.

A link to the presentation can be found on our Sharepoint here.

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias enables us to make snap decisions within a variety of situations. Quite often, our snap decisions are based on past experiences, what we've been told, or what we've seen in the media. Sometimes this can be very handy, like when driving a car or playing a sport when we need to react quickly. But other times it can mean that we make decisions, judgements and hold opinions about people based on stereotypes. Explore this resource here.

Understanding Poverty

What are the different types of poverty? What implications does this have for teachers? And how do I actually attempt to close the poverty-related attainment gap? This Sway will hopefully support your thinking further.

This is Poverty

In this powerful short film, from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and Connected Pictures, the experiences of seven people from around the UK are boldly illustrated in their own words.

Further Resources

The images below highlight some of the additional resources that are available to read and use in your setting. Click on the link below to take you to the website or our Sharepoint to find these and other available resources.

A case study - Argyll & Bute

"The Weight on our Shoulders," Children's Parliament

Poverty & Social Justice Wakelet

UNCRC Summary

From Poverty to Flourishing