School Uniform
Basic Uniform
· Navy sweatshirt, or cardigan with the school logo.
· White polo shirt (with or without logo).
· Navy or grey trousers, shorts, pinafores or skirts.
· School blue summer dresses may be worn in warmer weather.
· Black shoes for footwear.
P.E. Kit
· House coloured T-shirt (Yellow/Drum, Green/Balmoral, Blue/Dunnottar and Red/Crathes)
· Plain white t-short acceptable should house t-shirt be in the wash.
· Navy or dark coloured shorts.
· Navy or dark coloured trackers for sports during cooler weather outside.
· Indoor non-marking gymshoes or trainers
Pupils can have a reading folder to bring the resources to and from school.
Children may wish to bring in a painting overall.