S3 Practical Craft Skills

Course Overview



The Course provides a broad practical introduction to design, materials and manufacturing processes. It provides opportunities for pupils to gain skills in both designing and in communicating design proposals. It allows pupils to explore the properties and uses of materials and to make models and prototypes of products.




DESIGN - Pupils will analyse a brief, generate ideas, develop ideas and plan for manufacture. This will involve freehand sketching, model making, computer aided design and adding written comments to justify design decisions.


MANUFACTURE - Pupils will measure and mark out materials using hand tools, cut materials using hand tools and machinery, learn how to assemble materials and apply finishes to materials. Pupils will then evaluate their finished prototype against their specification.


THEORY - Pupils will complete worksheets using textbooks in order to prepare them for their woodwork and plastics test.


There are currently two main projects in S3, the pine box project and the acrylic phone holder project.



Design lessons will be taught to the whole class followed by individual help as pupils require it.  For each new practical process, demonstrations are used to explain how to carry out the process safely and accurately. These may be to the whole class, small groups or with individual pupils.



For each project, the design folio, practical work and theory test will be assessed by the class teacher. Formative and summative feedback will be given through reporting cycles and parents evenings.



Homework will consist of a variety of sketching tasks. These tasks will help the pupils communicate their ideas. 

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr L Ball

Skills Developed

Coming soon...