Graphic Communication

National 4/National 5

Course Overview


In recent years, society has become more dependent on rapid clear transfer of information, a trend that has placed more emphasis on graphics.

This course provides opportunity for pupils to develop their skills in reading, interpreting and creating graphics to enhance communication.





Pupils will complete two technical drawing units in S4 i.e. Orthographics 2 and True Shapes/Developments.



Pupils will plan the layout of their gizmo, pie chart and sports bottle posters. Pupils will also measure and sketch the component parts and assembly of their sports bottle.



Pupils will produce orthographic drawings of the component parts and assembly of their sports bottle.



Pupils will produce a rendered image of their gizmo design using marker pens. Pupils will also produce a rendered image of their sports bottle using Computer Aided Design software. They will then produce a promotional label for the sports bottle using Desktop Publishing software.



Theory homework quizzes will be issued regularly throughout the course to support understanding of design elements and principles, drawing standards, desktop publishing etc.


Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr L Ball

Assessment Methods

At National 4, pupils create Preliminary, Production, and Promotional graphics.  These are assessed by the class teacher throughout the course.  The teacher’s judgements are internally verified by school colleagues and sometimes by visiting verifiers form the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).


At National 5 there is on-going assessment to ensure appropriate progress in developing graphic skills with the addition of related theory.  For qualifications, there is an end of course assignment and a theory examination.  In the assignment, pupils create Preliminary, Production, and Promotional graphics to suit a given task.  The assignment is sent to SQA for marking.  The theory examination is also marked by SQA.  An overall mark for both elements will give a grade A-D for the course.

Learning and Teaching Approaches

Much of the course will be experiential in nature. Many lessons will be taught to the whole class followed by individual help as pupils require it.

For each new graphic technique, demonstrations are used to explain how to carry out the technique on paper, drawing board or computer. These may be to the whole class, small groups or with individual pupils.

Progression Pathway