Further/Higher Education

Explore our videos, and links below to learn more about our local Universities and College. You'll also find links to  useful UCAS pages that will allow you to explore courses at all universities in the UK. 

Full time Study at NESCOL

Lauren MacAskill - NESCOL Marketing Officer - Schools and Social Media

The University of Aberdeen

Find out more from The University of Aberdeen on: 

University of Aberdeen.mp4

SAAS Funding

Find out about funding available for you to study Further/Higher Education Courses, including how to apply. 

Unsure about Course, University or Student Life? 

UCAS have partnered with Unibuddy to allow you to find someone studying courses you are interested in, at universities you are considering applying to. You can then ask them questions online about the course or University itself!

How to find University or College courses? 

UCAS connects people to University, post Uni studies including teacher training, apprenticeships & internships. 

Find all the information for your next steps by using the search tool. This will allow you to research UK university courses related to your interests

NESCOL is our local college and offers a wide range of courses. 

Find out more about courses available by using their A-Z course search page.