Choices for S3

Subject Choice Timeline

Subject Choice Information Released by: Monday 15th January

Pathways Evening: Tuesday 23rd January

Virtual Parents' Meetings:  Tuesday  6th February

Subject Choice Deadline: Friday 9th February

How to submit your choices? 

Once you have chosen your subjects you then need to complete the Online Choice Form. The link is below. 

S3 Subject Choice Form

Below are the available courses.  Pupils have received this as a lilac paper form, they should complete and return to their Guidance Teacher.

S3 Curricular Options 2024-25

Frequently asked questions

How many subjects can I take?

Pupils take 9 subjects plus core PE RMPS PSHE.

How many periods do I get?

English and Maths have 4 periods per week, and Options have 2/3 periods per week. Core 1-2 periods per week.

How many subjects will I study in S4?

In 2024-25 we are offering 7 subjects in total for qualification, plus core PE, RMPS, PSHE. All students take English and Maths plus 5 choices which each are given 4 periods per week.

How do I know what the courses will be like?

The S3 curriculum guide is available on Year Group Teams, and the school website.  Speak to your teachers and your older friends, but remember what works for one student may not be the same for you.  Try to choose your subject because you enjoy the work, not because of friends or teachers.

Can I change my mind?

It is possible to change your mind, but student choices inform the construction of the timetable, once it is set, it may not be possible to move into the class of your choice if it is full or happens at a time that clashes with your other choices.

Which subjects can I take in S4?

The S3 Curriculum guide gives information on progression routes.  Almost all the courses have a continuation in S4 for qualification.

Can I choose a different subject when I move into S4?

It is possible, but not advised.  It is important to make good choices at this stage to build towards your experience, skills and qualifications.  If a student feels they need to change subject, this can be done in discussion with subject Principal Teachers.

Where do I enter my choices?

The online form will be available on Glow launchpad and through year group Teams.  If you make a mistake or change your mind you can make a second submission.

My parents did a different qualification in S4, how do they find out about Nationals?

This web page will help compare new with old qualifications   There is a presentation and helpful links on the school website to explain the process. The Skills Development Scotland website has a section for Parents. 

How do I know what courses I need for the job or course what I want to do?

Most employers list a readiness for work and skills as important. A broad range of courses in S3 will help to build towards course requirements for college and university.  Entry requirements for courses at colleges and universities change annually.  SCQF Level 6 (Highers) are the standard for university admission, these can be gained in S5 and S6.  College can be entered at different levels and can lead to a degree link course.  It is important to investigate these if you have a definite career idea.  Use the helpful links from the presentation for information.

Who can I speak to about this?

Speak to your family network and your older friends, they have experience.  You can speak with your Guidance Teacher or Subject Teachers about your choices.  The Careers Advisor Stuart Clark is also available for appointments.